El Candidato Honesto Movie Review

El Candidato Honesto Movie Rating

IMDB Rating: 7.052/10

El Candidato Honesto Movie Story Overview mp4moviez

A former idealistic leader turned corrupt politician is cursed by his grandmother on the eve of the presidential election, forcing him to be honest. Can he win without lies and what will be the conditions?

El Candidato Honesto Movie Details

Movie NameEl Candidato Honesto
Original LanguageEs
Spoken LanguageEspañol
Release Date2024-08-08
Runtime95 minutes
WriterEl Huevo Charlie Barrientos, Pablo Emiliano de la Rosa
DirectorPipe Ybarra

El Candidato Honesto Movie Star Cast

Adrián Uribe Tonatiuh Pérez Prieto
Mariana Seoane Bella
Teresa Ruiz Diana
Daniel Tovar Uruchurtu
Paola Ramones Vale
Leonardo Herrera Oliver
Luisa Huertas Abuela Tona
Enrique Arreola Joaquín Moreno
Daniel Martínez Nazario
Héctor Jiménez Raúl Gómez

Where to Watch Online El Candidato Honesto | El Candidato Honesto OTT

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El Candidato Honesto Movie Review

The movie 'El Candidato Honesto' is an outstanding piece of storytelling that masterfully combines comedy. Released on 2024-08-08, this 95-minute film captivates audiences with its engaging plot and exceptional performances.

Directed by Pipe Ybarra, 'El Candidato Honesto' boasts a stellar cast, including Adrián Uribe, Mariana Seoane, Teresa Ruiz. Set in Mexico, the film delivers a visually stunning and emotionally resonant experience. Fans of comedy and genres will be thoroughly entertained.

With an impressive TMDb rating of 7.052, 'El Candidato Honesto' is a must-watch for anyone seeking top-notch cinema. Don't miss this masterpiece that combines heart, artistry, and excitement.

Author: Pankaj
Hi, I'm Pankaj—a website developer, coder, and part-time blogger passionate about creating engaging content and exploring new ideas. Here, I combine my technical expertise with my love for movies to bring you insightful reviews and updates. Always eager to learn and innovate, I aim to make this platform a hub for movie enthusiasts seeking honest and detailed information.

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